Competitor Training 10.16.15

Recommend Order- A, B, C, D, E

A) Goat / Skill

B) Weightlifting

1) Snatch: starting @70% every minute on the minute add 5-10 lbs until you reach a 1RM no more than 2 misses before you stop. 

2) Clean & Jerk: starting @70% every minute on the minute add 5-10 lbs until you reach a 1RM no more than 2 misses before you stop. 

C) Strength

Front Squat: starting @70% every minute on the minute add 5-10 lbs until you reach a 1RM. 

D) Mixed Modal

8 rounds of :20s on, :10s off

Wall Balls, 30/20

KB Swing (American) 53/33

Double Unders

Row for Calories

E) Conditioning



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